SCP Proposal - The Gore Corporation

I enjoy the SCP literature universe, so I took a stab at writing one. Enjoy!

Item #: SCP-8675

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-8675 is contained within a Scranton-cage facility designated as Site-███. Access to the site is restricted to personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. All personnel entering SCP-8675 are advised to familiarize themselves with Addendum 1-3 to maximize survival time.

Site-███ is surrounded by a 2km Type-K exclusion zone. Any members of the public found within the outer kilometer of the zone are to be removed and administered Class-B amnestics. Within the inner kilometer, site security is authorized for a kill-on-sight policy. Foundation employees are reminded to never leave Site-███ without notifying your site coordinator and acquiring a security escort.

As of the most recent update to this document, no personnel who have entered SCP-8675 will be allowed to exit under any circumstances. Any entities resembling personnel who have entered SCP-8675 must be terminated with extreme prejudice. All audio and video recordings of entities that have exited SCP-8675 are classified as cognitohazards (see Addendum 2). Furthermore, all Foundation employees of Site-███ are under no circumstances permitted to search, apply, or accept any job applications for the duration of their tenure.


SCP-8675 is the designation given to a four-story corporate office building located in the former township of [REDACTED]. The building’s location features a 20-space car park and a large sign that reads “The Gore Corporation”.

The interior of SCP-8675 exhibits severe spatial anomalies. While building plans for SCP-8675 show a floor-space of 23,000 square meters, the true size is unknown. Attempts to map the interior layout have met with mixed success.

SCP-8675 first came to Foundation attention when approximately 700 residents of [REDACTED] were flagged as missing by the FireEye surveillance program. Foundation investigators traced these disappearances to the Gore Corporation building and enacted containment procedures.

Local authorities did not contemporaneously notice these disappearances. Foundation investigators determined this to not be the result of any antimemetic effects of SCP-8675, but rather a combination of institutional incompetence and the tendency for entire families to disappear simultaneously.

SCP-8675 is inhabited by an unknown number of “employees”, designated SCP-8675-1, who resemble human office workers.


8675-1: Exploration Log A

Project Lead: Dr Malcolm Roberts

Date: 6:46pm, [REDACTED]

[Begin Log]

[Test subject D-8732 is equipped with both video and audio monitoring equipment. Feed begins outside SCP-8675 in the parking lot.]

D-8732: It's just an office building, Doc. No cars. This shit you've built around it is creepy as hell though.

Roberts: Please enter the building.

[D-8732 approaches the lobby of SCP-8675. She is startled by the silhouette of a man in the window, but on closer inspection this is identified as a cardboard cutout of Tristan Gore, founder and CEO of the Gore Corporation.]

D-8732: That guy gives me the fucking creeps, Doc. Is that some AI generated image or something? Look at the teeth.

[D-8732 enters the lobby area. The corporate logo sits above an empty reception desk. A sign on the desk reads ‘Bring Your Family To Work Day’.]

Roberts: Can you see anyone around?

D-8732: Hello? There's nobody here.

Roberts: Keep moving.

[D-8732 moves into an open office space filled with approximately 42 cubicles. The technology present is dated to 1994 at the latest.]

D-8732: I haven't seen stuff like this since I was a kid. What do they even do here?

[The following 25 seconds of video feed have been expunged following Cognitohazard Containment Procedure 33-A. The video showed an up close view of a computer monitor.]

D-8732: These numbers are all wrong. They're talking the wrong way.

Roberts: Disengage from the monitor immediately. Close your eyes.

[The video feed resumes as D-8732 appears to fall backwards into the floor making unintelligible vocalizations. Fluorescent ceiling lights are visible.]

D-8732: What the fuck. Ah my fucking head, what was that?

Roberts: Don't think about it. And don't look at the monitors again.

[An unidentified voice is heard over the audio feed. D-8732 quickly gets up again and an instance of SCP-8675-1 is visible on the other side of the room. The entity appears as a middle-aged man in a business suit.]

D-8732: Oh shit. There's a guy here, Doc. He's coming over. What should I do?

Roberts: Maintain visual feed. Await instructions.

[SCP-8675-1 walks towards D-8732, holding a smile and extending its hand.]

Male voice: I'm so glad you made it. Welcome aboard!

D-8732: Sorry, buddy, you must have me confused with someone else.

Male voice: It's your first day, isn't it? You'll fit right in.

D-8732: Doc, what do I do here? Don't come any closer, man.

Roberts: Please move through the doors behind you. Avoid contact for now.

[D-8732 moves away from SCP-8675-1 and into an adjacent hallway. SCP-8675-1 does not appear to increase its speed in pursuit, though it continues to repeat lines and extend its hand.]

D-8732: What's the fuck is wrong with that guy? Did you see he didn't blink? What is going on, Doc.

[D-8732 pans the camera to the hallway. The first evidence of a spatial anomaly presents itself. The hallway appears to be at least 200 meters long.]

Roberts: Keep moving.

[D-8732 enters a door, revealing a large room that wraps around in such a way that it should intersect with the hallway. It appears to be a mail room, with pneumatic pipes, filing cabinets and paper filling the space.]

D-8732: This place makes no sense. Jesus that's a lot of envelopes. Addressed to all over.

[D-8732 shows the contents of an opened envelope to the camera. Analysis has determined most of these to be fabricated job offers to work at the Gore Corporation.]

[Note, Roberts: This appears to be the entity’s initial mechanism for finding victims. The method by which these letters enter the mail system is as of yet undetermined.]

Male voice: Welcome aboard! It’s your first day, isn’t it?

[A scuffle occurs off screen. The feed terminates.]


8675-2: Personal Log - D8732 Debrief Event

The following is an excerpt of an audio transcript with Research Lead Dr Roberts.

Well, we screwed up. The D-class feed cut out, and we assumed that SCP-8675-1 had proven hostile. We were just resetting when D-8732 walks out. She seemed fine. Kind of… cheerful, even.

We took her in for debrief. Research Assistant [REDACTED] and Dr [REDACTED] conducted it. I… I was supposed to be there. But I had a headache. Imagine my surprise when a few hours later I hear gunshots.

Turns out, D-8732 wasn’t quite what she seemed. SCP-8675 seemed to imbue her with some form of memetic ability. Dr [REDACTED] and Research Assistant [REDACTED] broke D-8732 out. They almost made it back into SCP-8675 as well.

What’s strange is that Dr [REDACTED] came to me, between debriefing the D-class and trying to get her back inside. She told me she’d just gotten a new job. Her dream job, she said. What did she - oh yeah. "The Foundation is holding me back". That's what she said to me.

I’d like to commend Security Team 4 for their quick and decisive action. At least it was quick.

Maybe Dr [REDACTED] had the right idea. This job leaves a bad taste in my mouth sometimes.


8675-3: Exploration Log B

[Begin Log]

[Test subject D-4376 is equipped with both video and audio monitoring equipment. Feed begins outside SCP-8675 in the parking lot.]

[Note, Roberts: We’re trying something different. We exposed D-4376 to the debrief recording of yesterday’s exploration attempt with D-8732. It had an immediate memetic effect. D-4376 is convinced that he is going to start a new dream job within SCP-8675. We threw him in with some other D-class subjects for a few hours to see if the memetic effect is transmissible, but is seems like only D-8732 has - or rather had - that quality.]

D-4376: God, I'm so nervous!

[D-4376 approaches the lobby windows and checks his reflection, smoothing his hair, before entering.]

D-4376: Hello! Is anyone here? I'm the new guy.

[Without prompting by Dr Roberts, D-4376 walks further into the interior. He walks for approximately 32 minutes through a range of office environments exhibiting severe spatial anomalies. At the 12 minute mark, an instance of SCP-8675-1 is seen next to a Xerox machine. It does not appear to acknowledge D-4376. At the 19 minute mark, D-4376 moves through a room with 33 visible SCP-8675-1 entities sitting within cubicles. None react to the presence of the subject.]

[Note, Roberts: I wanted to see what the memetic programming would do. The subject seemed nervous as one would be for a first day. No sign of a rational fear in the face of this irrational nightmare. Certainly no reaction to the unsettling appearance of the other entities. And SCP-8675 itself seems relatively inert to a subject who has been infected with this hazard.]

[After 32 minutes of walking, D-4376 enters a large auditorium of an estimated 4,000 seats, which appear to be sparsely populated with more instances of SCP-8675-1. The stage is arranged for a presentation, with a podium and large banner reading "The Gore Corporation: Forever Family". D-4376 sits down and waits quietly for 36 minutes before another entity comes onto the stage and begins to speak. Facial recognition suggests a 67% possible match to Tristan Gore.]

[The following 132 minutes of the feed have been mostly expunged following Cognitohazard Containment Procedure 13-C. Below are excerpts of the speech given that have been verified to have no memetic effect.]

Gore: Company is family. And family loves. So much love. Bursting through your chest, people! That's what we do here. We bring amazing talent together, closer than they've ever been before. And then through! (Applause)

Gore: Every every every every every every every single bit of blood, sweat and tears. Every drop is in this company. Yours. Mine. And let's not forget the shareholders! (Applause) They need it more than any of us. And we need more! More blood! More sweat! We're growing, people. The shareholders are paying close attention.

Gore: We know there are some hard workers amongst you. But unfortunately there are slackers, too. And we need you to watch for these slackers. Watch for them, and when you see that kind of behavior, you want to take away their body until they appreciate having one. That's what I always say.

[The feed ends as D-4376 moves even further into the interior, compromising connection strength. Four hours later, D-4376 emerges from the Gore Corporation and is terminated on sight.]


8675-4: Dr Malcolm Roberts - Resignation Letter

The following is a segment of a resignation letter found on the desk of Dr Malcolm Roberts, Site-███ Research Lead, following [REDACTED].

I always thought I'd stay with the Foundation until I was old, or dead from some cosmic horror. It was my dream job before I even knew the Foundation existed. But sometimes the universe comes along and hands you an opportunity that's just too good to pass up. I'd like to thank the Foundation and the staff at Site-███ for their camaraderie in the face of a terrible unknown.

But I can't deny I'm excited - new adventures await!