Mad Maps - A Non-Destructive Terrain Pipeline for Unity

Mad Maps was a set of tools I built in my time at Bankroll Studios in the period of 2017-2018 and then went on to sell on the Unity Asset Store as a standalone product.

Unfortunately, the IP for these tools is not in my control and so the asset fell out of maintainence, but I'm proud of this work. It helped enormously in the construction of the massive open worlds within Hurtworld, and while it was maintained I think it helped some people use the Unity terrain system a lot better. Here's the original pitch and Youtube tutorials!

The Pitch

There are so many powerful terrain tools out there, but too often you will find yourself having to choose between procedural generation and a hand-crafted touch. For most terrain assets out there, adding polish means that your pipeline become destructive. If you need to go back and alter procedural elements, you will lose all polish work you have done. And what if one asset does one thing well, but not another? How can you combine the results from multiple sources?

Mad Maps is a powerful, integrated collection of tools to solve all of your Unity terrain pipeline needs. It is an effort to build a terrain pipeline that is non-destructive, extensible, flexible, fast and modular. It’s been battle-tested for the past 2 years in a professional studio environment, used for creating massive open world levels. It can be integrated with existing procedural solutions, allow you to split complex levels up into manageable chunks, and easily modify and reuse areas of a world.

Check out some overview videos below:

Unity Asset Store

Here's the latest build